She is a dedicated and energetic Sattriya dance performer of Assam who has taken Sattriya dance form throughout in India & abroad.
Padmashri Jatin GoswamiPadmashri Akademi Ratna (Fellow), SNA, Kalidas Samman, Bharathiya Samman, Best Dance Director Assam
Dr. Monisha Devi Goswami is known to me from her childhood days. She is very hardworking, dedicated and a total professional.
Guru Ramakrishna TalukdarSattriya Artist, Educator & Choreographer, SNA Awardee, A Grade Artist Doordarshan Kendra New Delhi
I have observed a fine competence in Dr Monisha Devi Goswami as a Dancer and and as a singer when ever she participated in my workshops and I'm convinced that she will take the pristine art of Indian classical dance far and wide and to its extreme heights.
Pandit Jayant KastuarKathak dancer, Author, Former SNA Secretary